Saturday, March 7, 2015

Tabasco Boxer and Money Bank

Last month when I was Valentine shopping I came across with these boxers that were just so hilarious. At first glance you don't see a boxer, all we see is the Tabasco bottle. I remember thinking, "why is this right here in the clothes section, it should be over in the food or groceries section." After looking at other clothes I saw this again so I decided to take a closer look at what it was. Turns out there is a boxer inside. The way the company designed this is very creative, because if you were to give this as a present to your significant other he would think you are giving him a Tabasco Sauce. Once you actually get the bottle you know it is too light to be a Tabasco Sauce. The bottles' purpose is not just to hide the boxer inside, it can also be used as a little bank where you can drop in coins and dollars. Since you can open the bottle from the bottom you don't have to break it to get the money you already have, like with other piggy banks or money banks.
This is a very versatile gift, a two in one gift, you give your significant other a boxer and a little bank where he can start saving a little more money.
Next time you don't know what to give your significant other for your anniversary or for next years Valentine's Day, you might want to think about giving them this unique two in one gift.

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